Welcome to Troop 857!

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Updated Merit Badge Counselors List - May 2024

Posted on May 14 2024 - 7:44pm

The Merit Badge Counselor list has been updated and is attached below. When you go into the spreadsheet, the tabs at the bottom are labeled "WhitewaterTrails MB's" and "Troop 857 MB's". The Whitewater Trails MB's are those counselors in our District and the Troop 857 MB's has listed all our very own MB counselors! (Remember a Scout is Trustworthy, please do not share this list with anyone to protect the privacy of these volunteers.)


Posted on Oct 18 2023 - 4:50pm

In an effort to keep our camp outs and our scouts safe and secure, we wanted to remind parents (and scouts) that having decent camping gear (better quality) such as tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads and backpacks is EXTREMELY important when dealing with weather conditions such as lots of rain, wind, snow, or very cold temperatures.

Cooking Merit Badge Opportunity

Posted on Oct 2 2023 - 2:19pm

If your scout is very interested in cooking, we will have several opportunities over the next few weeks at Tuesday meetings and upcoming campouts to work on some requirements for this Cooking Merit Badge.

IMPORTANT: Overnight Adult Policy

Posted on Aug 27 2023 - 11:14pm

With this new policy in place, any adult (18+) who wishes to attend any overnight campout needs to a registered adult with the BSA. Please see Jeff Haber or Mike Brooks with any questions. 

New Advancement Email

Posted on Mar 2 2023 - 3:14pm

In an effort to make sure requests do not get lost in our personal emails, please use advancement857@gmail.com for all rank and merit badge advancement reminders or requests.

Reminder to Sign-Up or Renew your link between KrogerPlus Card and Troop 857

Posted on Oct 3 2022 - 7:37pm

Kroger Community Rewards

Renew your link between KrogerPlus Card and Troop 857 in April. Step by step instructions are in the attachment and in the "Files" section of the troop website.

Giving More Back to the Community!

Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards.



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